List of Wikipedia articles that need rewriting

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Short explanation

This is a list of Wikipedia articles that need to be reworked due to misstatements, distortions, omissions, one-sidedness, etc. In addition, there are a number of pages to edit in the Desiderata

Apart from the title of the page, there can be comments which indicate why the page needs to be edited or what is objectively wrong with the Wikipedia page.

Create a FreeWiki article

In order to create such an article, you can click on the corresponding entry here, whereupon a hint will appear that the corresponding page has not yet been created. Then click on Create and the page will appear.

Otherwise please follow the instructions for editors.

Articles sorted by topics


Near Death Experience The materialistic interpretation of the phenomenon is given as scientifically proven, while other interpretations are disqualified as ideological. Likewise, its representatives are not considered scientists. Physiological interpretation models take up too much space - measured by the abundance of other literature.

Persons, Wikipedia victims

Ken Wilber Distancing way of expression. Should be formulated objectively.


