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Sadly Wikipedia is no longer the unbiased internet site that you can trust. During the last few years it has become obvious, that many articles in Wikipedia are target to systematic manipulation. Main targets are several political subjects, a few scientific and ecological ones and all forms of alternative medicine. Prominent among those the article about homeopathy, which is one of the two most controversial articles within the English speaking Wikipedia – next to the one on Jesus Christ.

Click here <link to full story page> to read the whole story about Wikipedia and how it has become corrupted and biased.

Full story page on Wikipedia corruption

The article on homeopathy is pure propaganda and an attack on the integrity of real science. This is in direct violation of their stated principles of equanimity and fair reporting. They refuse to allow experts in the field to describe and define their own profession – they only allow biased detractors to write the definition. While it may be a controversial field, there are other controversial fields as well and there are ways to note the controversy and remain objective. Can you imagine if they allowed Atheists to write the definition of Christianity?

(… unfinished….)

For complete information on Wikipedia see:





One manipulation story that has reached the wide public is the one about the user “Philipp Cross”, a user account that has been used 10-14 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on Xmas and New Years Eve. Hardly imaginable that there is only one person behind this account, and if so he must be severly disturbed. See these sources:




for German speakers:

The Wikipedia in German language seems to be even more under attack of manipulators than the English speaking one. For a full acount of what happens in the German Wikipedia see the movies on youtube “Die dunkle Seite der Wikipedia” (Wikipedia’s dark side) and “Zensur” by Markus Fiedler and Jens Speer, or watch the movies on Gruppe42.com.
Or see the pages about WikiImmunity, WikiWatch, Wikipedia on FreeWiki.eu.